Thursday, July 8, 2010


Our watermelon that is growing in the garden! It looks yummy!

I hope you are all having a blessed week!


  1. Oh wow, that's pretty big! ours aren't that big yet, and yes, it looks very yummy! :)

  2. I know I hope it still ok we adn't had rain in about 2 weeks and it has benn in the 100s in GA. I can't wait too eat the watermelon.

  3. oh wow, we've had way to much rain here lately, the rain barely stopped long enough for us to pick our beans, it's been raining pretty much non-stop, but when it's not raining it's REALLY humid and in the 90s. :P

    oh yeah, I hope it's okay, it looks like it would be a good one, not having rain might affect it though, I hope not!
