Thursday, October 15, 2009

1.Were you named after anyone? uh... not sure2.When was the last time you cried? Rather not answer.3.Do you like your handwriting? Is is alright. 4.What is your favorite lunch meat? Deli Ham 5.Do you have kids? Thankfully, NO!!!! 6.If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Maybe... 7.Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't know!!!!!!!! 8.Do you still have your tonsils? Yes 9.Would you bungee jump? Yes if there was a astro jump or something below me!!! 10.What is your favorite cereal? Rice Krispies 11.Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope 12.Do you think you are strong? To me, yes. To a sumo wrestler, I am a wimp. 13.What is your favorite Ice Cream? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 14.What is the first thing you notice about a person? Strange buut the way there hair is styled and colored. 15.Red or Pink? Pink 16.What is your favorite thing about yourself? My sense of humor 17.Who do you miss the most?Friends 18.What is the thing you need to work on the most? Math 19.What color shoes are you wearing? I am not wearing shoes I am wearing white socks 20.What is the last thing you ate? 2 hot dogs with cheese and chili on them and slaw on the side. 21.What are you listening to right now? Kiwi my parakeet chirping and Mom washing the dishes. 22.If you were a crayon, what color would you be? red, cause it's a fall color. 23.Favorite Smells? Roses 24.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?Anmarie and Emma. 25.Mountain Hideaway or Beach house? Beach House because I live close to the mountain. 26.Favorite Sport to watch? Gymnastics. 27. Hair Color? Blonde 28. Eye Color? Bright blue 29. Do you wear contacts? NO 30.Favorite Food? Pizza that has cheese on it!!!! 31. Scary Movie or Happy ending? Happy ending 32. Last movie you watched? The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry 33. What shirt are you wearing? Long sleeved mock turtleneck red striped shirt. 34.Summer or Winter? SUMMER!!!! 35. Hugs or Kisses? Depends on the person 36. Favorite Desert? Anything chocolate 37. Strength training or Cardio? I don't know. 38. Computer or Television? Computer because you can watch T.V. online!! 39. What book are you reading right now? Mary-Kate and Ahsley Sweet 16 40.What is on your mousepad? I don't have a mouse pad 42. Favorite Sound? Rain 43. Rolling Stones or Beatles? HUH???? 44. What is the farthes you have been from home? Florida.45. Do you have a special talent? I cna cook. 46. Where were you born? Georgia 47. Where are you living right now? Georgia 48. What color is your house? light blue 49.What color is your car? my mom's car is red 50. Do you like answering 50 question? Sort of..See ya!


  1. Hi my name is Tsavah. I really like your blog it's very pretty.


  2. Thank you Tsavah!!! Your blog is very cute also. I love the monkeys!!! I have never seen that background.

  3. You know on my follower pic well that is when I was little.


  4. Oh and Thank You!!


