Friday, May 27, 2011


Wow, when i looked at the date of my last post I nearly fainted. I'm sorry! Almost 2 months! *eep* SORRY! Haha but I have been...SO busy. Really. School's out now...and I have been really busy.

AND AND AND AND...I am just so exciting about so many things. One of the things being...I may have found something that really helps my face.

And it's cheap.

And you can get it nearly anywhere.

Guess what it is?


HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. sounds weird, but hear me out. So I was on and researching "home remedies" in their reviews section, and came across hydrogen peroxide, and was like, "What??"

So i checked it out, and ALOT of people have had success with check out the youtube video below this post. It's astonishing.

Isn't it amazing how much that helped?? So after that I knew I had to try it, and I've been using it for....oh, around four days, and I have seen a difference! The redness and swelling has gone down, so that I'm even going out with make-up! I can't wait to keep using it!
It's really easy, I just use it in place of my old toner, put it on a cotton round and just swab it on my face. It doesn't sting, I've only got the 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is really what everyone should be usin so it doesn't irritate your skin.
Research it, you might be suprised! We already had it in the house, so i decided I should try it, and boy have I not regretted it!
Soooo gonna keep a usin it and keep YOU GUYS updated :)
Well, not really a bunch of new awesome stuff to report...
So all in all, an AMAZING tho incredibly busy weekend :) What happened in ya'lls weekend?
That was mine, fun, crazy, draining, emotional, and likea roller coaster

Yeah. Kinda like that :)

Have a great rest of the Saturday girls :)


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